Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's Your Mission?

Does my love for the Mission Impossible movies stem from my long-time crush on Tom Cruise or is it the extremely cool theme music that plays during each movie that keeps me on the MI bandwagon?  Either way, "Mission Impossible"  seems like a great mantra for me to adopt, particularly as related to my own life.

Even when the missions seem impossible, I cue the MI theme music (in my head) and prepare myself to face whatever obstacles come my way.  Here are my most recent missions:

1.  Be a better teacher.  Teaching is a very difficult job.  There are so many challenges that teachers face daily that make the job more difficult.  While I think I do a pretty good job, I'm always on a mission to become better.

2.  Write more.  I've been blogging like crazy (and I do mean crazy) with See Jane Write Birmingham for twenty days now!  I am proud of myself for sticking to the challenge.  I've almost completed this mission!

3.  Lose weight.  I've been on this mission for years.

4.  Eat healthier.  Maybe if I concentrated more on this mission, the previous one could be accomplished? 

5.  Never stop learning and growing. I kid with a really good friend of mine that we're professional students.  I feel like I've been a student since I was five years old!  I'm on a mission to learn as much as I possibly can.

These are just a few of my current missions.  None of them seem impossible.  I'm going to play my MI theme music and work hard so that I can mark these items like this:   MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 

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