Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Five

It's been a while since I linked up with my girl, Joy, over at The Sowell Life.  I figured that since it's so dreary day outside,  I'd do something to brighten my day a little!  Reading the Friday Five posts makes me smile!  I love seeing what great weeks everyone has had. 

Here's my Friday Five:

1.  Thanksgiving Break:  Normally, I'm drained by the end of the work week.  However, this week was a bit more bearable knowing that Thanksgiving break is right around the corner.  So here's to the weekend, with a two-day work week ahead. 

photo from

2.  Basketball:  I love basketball season!  When I was a student at Auburn University, I was a member of Dunkin' Darlings (The Official Hosts for Basketball).  My son plays basketball and I'm a cheer coach, so I've had my fair share of basketball this week!  By the end of the night tonight, I will have been to 8 basketball games!  (Hence my excitement about Thanksgiving Break.)

3.  Friendship.  I'm so thankful for the friendships that I have been blessed with!  I am 100% sure that I have the best friends in the whole wide world.  I am truly undeserving of the wonderful people that have been placed in my life.  #myfriendsarebetterthanyourfriends

4.  Turkey and Dressing.  My mouth is already watering for my mom's turkey and dressing.  I'm pretty sure that I'll be posting about that, and all the other yummy trimmings, next week.  Stay tuned. 

5.  Alabama Weather.  Enough said.  My fellow Alabama residents can attest to the fact that there's nothing constant about the weather here in Alabama these days.  You have to play each day by ear.  You never know what you're going to get.  Warm or cool. Wet or dry.  Sunny or cloudy.  Here's an example:  today's high temp is 66, Sunday's is 45. Us Alabamians know better than to put our shorts and tank tops up yet.  For, only time will tell what the December temps will be like.  (Okay, shorts and tanks may be a bit of a stretch...)

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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