Saturday, August 24, 2013


I survived the first week of school!  Summer break is wonderful, but the struggle to reconvene after a 12-week break is REAL!  I've been struggling to wake up early each morning, struggling to maintain my composure due to snack deprivation (my all-day snacking routine has been severely impacted, although that's probably a really good thing), struggling to stay alert and high-functioning without my afternoon nap, and the list goes on.  I suspect it will take about two more weeks to get it together. 

Somehow, I made it through the week.  And when I look back, I think I did a pretty good job!  My classes were pretty productive, my own children successfully navigated their new schools.  Nobody missed practices, games, meetings, or performances.  Everyone ate three (somewhat) balanced meals each day.  Homework was completed.  Lesson plans were posted. Clothes were laundered. Beds were made. Dishes were washed.

And just think...we get to do it all over again next week! 


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