Sunday, November 17, 2013

Silver or Gold?

Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the other is gold.

I remember singing the lyrics of this song as a Brownie Girl Scout over 25 years ago. (Careful, Cherith, or you will reveal your age.)  But it wasn’t until I became an adult that I truly understood the meaning of those lyrics.  Friends are very special people, and I feel strongly that everyone needs someone who they can truly call a friend.  

Friends must possess these characteristics at minimum:  supportive, trustworthy, loyal, honest, and caring.  I’m blessed to have friends in my life who have these characteristics and so many more.   My friends are intelligent, driven, dedicated, thoughtful, generous, God-fearing, encouraging, and successful.  

You know, I've heard people say that cousins are the first friends that a person has.  I have a huge family and lots of cousins.  So, I was destined to have lots of friends from the very start, right?  I remember playing with my cousins and having a great time doing so.  So, I'd definitely agree that cousins make pretty good friends.  

As a young girl, I remember my first friend being Bonita.  Bonita's mother and my mother were really close friends, so we became close friends, also.  Bon and I did everything together!  We rode bikes, played with dolls, colored, read books, ran outside, danced, sang, went to church together, went to school together, told each other secrets, you name it, we did  it.  I have so many memories of our girlhood friendship.  It was wonderful.  

As I grew up, I had many other friends whom I have very similar memories of.  My childhood was filled with wonderful girls, and guys, whom I will never forget.

When I went off to college, I had to start this friend thing all over again!  Lucky for me, two of my very best friends were already attending the college that I was going to so I wasn't completely starting from scratch with making friends.    Fortunately for me, I was quickly able to add to that duo to increase my friend collection.

When I graduated college, got married and had kids, my life moved me to a new place. This new place also brought with it some new friends. 

What's strange (or maybe "interesting" is a better word) is that you don't have to go out and "make" friends.  They somehow find their way to you and the relationship simply happens.  When you're meant to be friends with someone, it doesn't take a whole lot of extra work.  Friendships should be easy.  Being around friends should be easy.  If it's not, then that person may not truly be your friend.

Each of my friends has a special place in my heart.  My old friends aren't any higher ranking than my new friends and vice versa.  My friends are just that:  my friends.

Make new friends, but keep the old.  That is advice that I plan on using.  There's room in my life for both silver and gold! 

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