Friday, August 9, 2013

Final Friday, Back to School Edition

I know what you're thinking.  No, it's not the final Friday of the month (when I normally do my Final Friday post).  Today is the final Friday of my precious summer vacation.  Such a bittersweet day, it is. I guess it's true what they say.  All good things do come to an end, huh? 


I loathe the fact that I can no longer sleep until I decide it's time to get up.  I now have to obey my alarm clock.  I now have to live my life strictly according to my Cozi calendar so as not to miss any important meetings, deadlines, events or the like.  I now have to check backpacks every evening to make certain that the "I don't have any homework" declarations are indeed true.  I have to prepare lunches each night before going to bed.  I have to make wardrobe choices at night to avoid any potential last-minute morning mishaps that threaten my chances of getting everyone to their designated locations at just the right time.  I have to make arrangements to get this kid to practice and pick this one up.  Order this one's costumes, pick up a poster for this project, send in money for this field trip, buy a t-shirt for this and that, and I'm sure that I've left out something. 

So, how will I spend my final Friday?  Shopping? Hanging with friends? Relaxing on the couch? Nope.  None of the above.  I'm spending my final Friday of summer...(drum roll please)...working in my classroom! 

Enjoy your Friday! 


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