Thursday, July 4, 2013

Time to Reevaluate How I Spend My Time...Or is it?

I woke up yesterday only to find out that my internet was not working.  After resetting the modem and router several times, I finally figured out that the problem was bigger than my simple troubleshooting abilities.  After lunch with two of my closest friends, I decided to stop antagonizing the kids (or at least that's what they called it) and call my Internet Service Provider for assistance.

After about 45 minutes on the phone, several of which were spent listening to some pretty groovy "hold" music, my technician determined that he was going to need to perform some additional tests and that I'd have to wait 24-48 hours before they could determine the problem.  Bummer.  Major bummer.  Our whole lives revolve around the internet.  I actually think I saw a tear form in the children's eyes when I informed them that they'd be internet-less for the remainder of the day.


It was at that moment that I began to think, "Who are these monsters that I've created?"  Why are approximately 75% of the things that they do at home all internet related?  Instagram, YouTube,  Kik, Skype, Face Time, Pinterest, Snap Chat, need I say more?  My kids, and I, are always plugged in to the world wide web in some way or another.

Going one single day without the internet showed me just how big of an issue this really is.  I really need to sit down and talk to my children about limiting their time on the internet.  The best way to teach them this is to be an example, right?

Okay, I'll do it as soon as I finish updating my blog (which requires the internet).  Well, then I have to submit my homework assignments (which also requires the internet).  Then I have to check my email (oops, internet again).

Maybe the kids are right?  Pass me a tissue.  It's definitely time to start crying.


  1. Intervention time? Too funny.....but I can relate! To keep my granddaughter occupied, it's Elmo's World on her very own IPad Mini! I love watching her move around to try out different learning activities. We went visiting yesterday and what did I personal MiFI, just in case there was a connection issue!

  2. Her own iPad Mini? Okay, I feel better now! There's so many positive things that the Internet offers that it's hard to see the bad. I'm just trying I make sure that we maintain a balance. I'm sure it counts that we're usually sitting in the same room while we're using the Internet? Right? Family time! Lol
