Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Self-Reflection

Today is Sunday.  Sunday means different things for different people.  For some, Sunday means a day of worship.  For some, it's a day of rest.  Some use it for family time.  For me, one thing's for sure - it's a day of self-reflection. 

About four months ago, I vowed that each Sunday I'd take some time to do some self reflection.  I have secret list of goals and I check myself each Sunday to see if I'm doing things that will put me in the position to reach those goals.  If not, then I make the necessary adjustments to put myself in line to do so. 

Today, I'm reflecting on some of my favorite quotes.  I decided to share some of them with you.  Take some time to do a little self-reflection.  We, as busy women, so often get wrapped up in everything and everybody else.  You deserve a little time to think about you! 

Here are five of my favorite Sunday Self-Reflection quotes:

1.  “It is necessary ... for a man to go away by himself ... to sit on a rock ... and ask, 'Who am I, where have I been, and where am I going?”   ~Carl Sandburg

I generally replace "sit on a rock" with "lie on a massage table" (wink, wink). 

2.  "Truly recognize your own faults and don't discuss the faults of others.  Other's faults are just my own.  Being of one substance with everything is called Great Compassion." ~Ven. Master Hsuan Hua

It's so easy to get caught up in finding faults in everyone else.  And honestly, it's way more "fun".  Society has really fostered this finger-pointing behavior that so many of us have.  Its up to us to foster compassion. 

3.  Actions have consequences...first rule of life. And the second rule is this: You are the only one responsible for your own actions. ~Holly Lisle

Need I say more?

4.  As long as you think you're green, you'll grow. As soon as you think you're ripe, you'll rot. ~ Scott Horton

I hope I never get to the point where I think I've learned it all.  I'm a lifelong learner and I use everyday as a chance to learn, grow, and become better than I was the day before.  I'm forever green. 

5.  "If you don't run your own life, somebody else will." ~ John Atkinson    
Another one that needs no explanation.  I learned a long time ago that people will make decisions for you based on what's best for THEM.  You have to be in charge of your own life.


  1. Love your words of wisdom Ms. Girly.........

  2. Thanks for reading, Jason! I appreciate the support!!

  3. My favorite is #3. You are the only one responsible for your own actions is a statement everyone should understand. It's so easy for people to blame others but in the end our own actions are our own decision! We decide how to act. Good or bad. All of these are reat quotes!

  4. Thanks for reading! I think it's good to reflect from time to time. We get so worried about others and what they have going on that we tend to lose ourselves! I appreciate your support of my blog!

  5. Thanks for the reminder of the
    Importance of self-reflection. . . . Namaste. . . Anne

  6. Thanks for reading! I appreciate the support.
