Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Five/Fourth Friday Edition

Once again, it's the final Friday of a summer month.  That means we're getting closer to school starting back we still have a few weeks of fun left before school starts!  It was hard to narrow down my Friday Five list this week.  This was an action-packed week full of fun and excitement. Well, here we go:

Friday Five

1.  Cheerleading:  I put my pom poms on the shelf back in 1997 after being selected UCA All-Star, serving two years as captain of the Varsity squad, and having six memorable seasons as a WHS Cheerleader.   This week, I started my new position as Jr. High Cheer Coach, and I'm really excited about it.  Please know, I am smart enough to know that my cheerleader days are over.  But, it's nice to see these girls who have the same passion for the sport as I did 16 years ago.


2.  Football:  I'm an avid lover of football.  I LOVE my Auburn Tigers and it's difficult to tear me away from the TV on Saturdays in the Fall.  But, I'm feeling some kind of way about football now that my son is playing his first season of football.  Despite what I thought, he's loving the sport, so I guess I'll just have to learn how to enjoy football while watching the game through my fingers!  (It's different when one of the boys on the field is your own...)


3.  Family:  Normally during the summer, I am inundated with things to do.  This summer, I vowed to take it easy and spend time with my family.  It's the best decision I've ever made.  I've enjoyed waking up and seeing my husband off to work (and then quickly jumping back into bed to try to grasp hold of any little sleep that may be left inside of me) and spending time with my children (when they weren't busy asking to go to a friend's house or having a friend come over).

Family4.  Dance:  Soon, I'll be headed to the beach for Fire & Ice National Talent Competition.  My daughter's dance team has had a great dance season and I'm ready to close it out with some wins at nationals this week!

[caption id="attachment_679" align="aligncenter" width="384"]IMG_2762 photo by Coeybella Artistry[/caption]

and the BEST part of nationals is that it's being held at....

5.  THE BEACH: My favorite place in the whole wide world is the beach.  I love relaxing and being care free. I love hearing children (mine and others) playing in the sand.  I love hearing the crash of waves as  they retire on the shore.  I love getting lost in a good book without the disturbance of the television and other things.  I love admiring yet another of God's most amazing creations.


Oh yeah....I also love eating great seafood, hanging out at cool spots, and shopping!  (shh...)

There's my week in a nutshell.  I'm ready to enjoy the weekend!  Enjoy yours.


  1. Again, I LOVE your blog, It's like a type of therapy for me. Congrats on being the Jr. High Cheer Coach, you are most definitely the "best" person for it, you are going to be great! Have enough fun for me at the beach because I won't be able to make a trip this year, due to obvious reason. Okay that's enough, I love you girl!

  2. Thanks!!! I can't wait to celebrate your family's complete and total deliverance from illness!!! It's coming!!

  3. Your blog is lovely, LS. I find myself getting excited when I receive notification of a new post. Keep up the great work. Congratulations on your new coaching position!

  4. Thanks, Mesha! I appreciate the support and encouragement!!

  5. Ahhh.... I'm excited for you to head to the beach with your daughter for the dance competition. Seriously, dance competitions are my favorite to watch. So happy y'all had a great week. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for linking up.
